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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Match Lost Pearl Earring

pearl earrings Q: I was wondering if it was possible to get a replacement earring, as one of a pair was lost. I did just order a replacement pair for my girlfriend, but thought it would be nice to "find" the other as it has some sentimental value. Let me know if this is possible, or if it would not be recommended to try to match them without seeing them. If you can/recommend this as a good option then I can send you the details and payment info.

A: What a thoughtful idea! It’s very likely that we can make a single earring to match the one she still has. It will depend on the type and size of the pearl, and the style of the earring but we have done this for many of our customers.

In order to make the earrings match you will have to send us the one that is remaining. Without the pearl here in person, we won’t be able to determine the type of pearl, the overtone, luster, and grade level. The other consideration is the finding or goldwork. We will need to make sure that the style and proportion of the gold mounting coordinates between the original and the new pearls.

Should you decide to give us a try, simply fill out the form found at the link below with the pertinent information and send us the earring. In the meantime, I can give you an estimate of the price if you get back to me with the type and size of the pearl we are matching.

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