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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tahitian Pearl Necklaces and Body Color

Tahtian pearls and their various overtones make the most exotic pearl necklaces. Q: Do your Tahitian pearls come in a true black or is it the peacock hues that give it the black tone.

A: Tahitian pearls occur in a variety of colors ranging from a very pale silver to a very deep, almost onyx black. The blackest pearls are not the most common however. When you take a look at a detail page from one of our pearl necklaces you will see listed in the specifications both Bodycolor and Overtone. The bodycolor is the base color of the pearl which can be silver, pewter, dark charcoal, etc. The overtone is the color of the refraction from the surface of the pearl, not unlike that light refraction you see when blowing soap bubbles in sunlight. The overtone can be almost any color you can imagine but the most common are the peacock, silver, green, or aubergine or cherry.

I'll include a link below so you can see photos of some samples:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great information. Thanks!